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How to Become a
Pediatric Nurse

How to specialize in pediatric nursing

当孩子的健康和幸福受到威胁时,父母并不是唯一在孩子的生活中发挥关键作用的人. 儿科护士拥有专业的知识和技能,从婴儿时期就能帮助照顾孩子, through childhood and into adolescence. 它们还在教育关心此事的父母方面发挥重要作用,并向他们提供养育健康子女所需的宝贵信息.

The requirements to become a pediatric nurse may be broken down into 7 steps:

  1. Understand the specialized role of a pediatric nurse
  2. Earn your nursing degree
  3. Pass the NCLEX-RN exam
  4. Become a registered nurse (RN)
  5. Gain experience in a pediatric facility
  6. Take the Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN) exam
  7. Start your career as a pediatric nurse
Pediatric Nurse

1. Understand the specialized role of a pediatric nurse

儿科护理是一门专业,需要有能力用一种安慰孩子(和他们的父母)的语言和举止与孩子沟通。. 如果你与孩子有一种天然的融洽关系,并渴望在他们的幸福和健康发展中发挥重要作用, becoming a pediatric nurse might provide the gratifying, meaningful career you’re looking for.

The role of a pediatric nurse can be quite different from other types of nurses. For example, most RNs are adept at administering immunizations or inserting IV lines. However, with a pediatric patient, 你可能还需要使用分散注意力的艺术,或者用温柔的声音来照顾孩子. In addition, you’ll spend time educating parents on the importance of immunizations, nutrition and exercise to promote and support healthy child development.

作为一名儿科护士,每天都可能带来新的挑战和机会,为他人的生活带来积极的影响. According to the Institute of Pediatric Nursing, in a 2014 study 92%的儿科护士表示,他们鼓励其他人加入他们的职业生涯,因为有机会改变孩子的生活是值得的.

Where do pediatric nurses work?

As you might imagine, wherever there are babies, 一旦你把儿科护理确定为你的人生使命,并获得必要的证书,那么受过专门培训的儿科护士就会一直有市场, you’ll be able to grow your career in a city, suburban or rural environment and a wide range of facilities. For example, an Institute for Pediatric Nursing survey of Certified Pediatric Nurses revealed that:

  1. 30.3% of them are employed at free-standing children’s hospitals.
  2. 28.3% work at children’s hospitals associated with a major medical center.
  3. 11.7% are employed at outpatient care facilities.
  4. 9.9% are employed at community hospitals.
  5. 4.8% work at amajor medical center.
  6. 2.4% work in school setting.

With the right education and training in pediatric nursing, you’ll have a wide range of environments where your knowledge and skills are in demand.

What will your workdays be like as a pediatric nurse?

作为一名儿科护士,你的工作日在很大程度上取决于你受雇的医院类型. If you’re employed at a doctor’s office, hospital or clinic, your duties and responsibilities may be similar to those of any registered nurse, except the care you provide will be administered to younger patients. The job description can include:

  • Work with pediatricians, nurses and other healthcare professionals to develop care plans for babies, toddlers, kids and teens.
  • Calm and reassure worried parents and teach them how to best care for their children.
  • 与你的年轻病人建立联系并进行有效的沟通,帮助他们消除对疾病的恐惧, injuries and treatments.

You may also choose to take a job as a school nurse, 在这种情况下,你的日常活动可能包括促进学生的预防性保健, faculty and members of the community.

How much can you make as a pediatric nurse?

If you’ve already started crunching the numbers on a career in nursing, you’re probably encouraged by the average annual wage for registered nurses being $94,480 per year ($45.42 per hour), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).*


What is the current jobs outlook for pediatric nurses?

For pediatric nurses, the future appears bright. The BLS is predicting 6% growth in employment from 2022-2032 for registered nurses.* That’s faster than the average for all occupations, 但劳工统计局也指出,拥有护理学学士学位(BSN)的注册护士比没有学士学位的护士有更好的就业前景, and employers may also prefer candidates who have certification in a specialty area, such as pediatric nursing.

2. Earn your nursing degree

To become a pediatric nurse, you are usually required to be an RN or APRN with either an associate or bachelor’s degree. Regardless of where you currently find yourself in nursing, 赫京大学提供了一些途径,帮助你获得你想要的学位,成为一名注册护士:

* Program availability varies by campus. Click through to each program for further detail.

How long it takes to earn your nursing degree and become a pediatric nurse depends on many factors, including your current education, potential transfer credits and level of schooling you seek.

在Herzing,您将沉浸在实践培训中,为您在临床护士的生活以及未来的职业生涯做好准备. 你将练习应对各种不同的临床情况——从骨折到更复杂的情况,如癫痫发作或糖尿病休克.

3. Pass Your NCLEX Exam

在美国,每个注册护士都必须参加(并通过)全国委员会执照考试, commonly referred to as NCLEX-RN. 这是一项综合性考试,只对已经完成了像赫zing这样的护理课程的学生开放. The test focuses on your knowledge of four specific areas of nursing, including:

  1. Safe, effective care environments
  2. Health promotion and maintenance
  3. Psychosocial integrity and how to cope with the stresses of being a nurse
  4. Physiological integrity and your ability to deliver proper nursing care

Studying for and passing your NCLEX doesn’t need to be an overwhelmingly stressful experience. In fact, as a future pediatric nurse, 明智的做法是,把目光放在目标上,听从那些已经走过你的木屐的注册护士的建议,并与他们分享他们的经验 tips for success.

4. Become a registered nurse (RN)

After passing the NCLEX-RN,  你需要满足你所在州的护理委员会的要求,才能成为一名注册护士.

Then you will be able to search for your first job as an RN. If you have your sights set on a career as a pediatric nurse, seek a position in a healthcare clinic or hospital which cares for children and younger patients.


Herzing Nursing Programs
Pediatric Nurse

5. Earn clinical experience working in a pediatric facility

To become certified as a pediatric nurse, 你需要在一家机构工作,在那里你可以练习你的专业技能,并获得照顾孩子的经验. 初级儿科临床学时要求是1800小时,才能获得认证-查看完整认证 eligibility requirements from the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB).

Various roles and responsibilities qualify for pediatric nursing experience, including direct patient care and indirect patient care such as teaching, administration, labor and delivery, clinical research or consultation in pediatric nursing.

6. Pass the CPN Certification Exam

The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB)是为照顾儿童和青少年的护理专业人员提供认证的领导者. Established in 1975, the organization strives for optimal outcomes in pediatric health by promoting integrity, quality, innovation, advocacy and respect for pediatric nurses committed to their specialty.

PNCB考试包括175道选择题,你有三个小时的时间来完成它. Once you have passed the exam, you’ll join more than 25,000 RNs who actively hold PNCB’s Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN) credential.

7. Begin your career as a certified pediatric nurse!

Making a difference in the life of a child isn’t something just any nurse can do. Becoming a pediatric nurse takes compassion, empathy and a level head to handle emergency situations calmly and professionally.

If pediatric nursing is tugging at your heartstrings (and your professional aspirations), the best place to start is with a world-class nursing education.

赫京大学是您的终身学习伙伴,帮助您实现护理职业目标. Consider our pediatric nurse practitioner programs for the future if you’re thinking ahead to advancing your nursing career in pediatrics.

ADN nurses: take the next step

Advancing your education is key to discovering the career path of your choosing.

You can go from RN to BSN online in as little as 1 year and potentially open many doors to future career possibilities, including potential new specialty pathways of your choosing.

Learn more about our RN to BSN program:

Herzing University Graduate Holding Diploma and Smiling

Explore our many nursing programs, take the leap and change your life for the better!

Learn more about our pediatric nurse practitioner programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

Classes Start July 8th

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